Fundraising Products & Ideas

  • Car dealers
  • Insurance Companies
  • Mom & Pop gas bars
  • etc.
Makes for great stocking 'stuffers' at Christmas!

Also, ask us about our bulk adjusters for give-aways in appreciation for funds donated.

Buckle Up Brand Seatbelt Adjusters, Air Fresheners, Shelf Displays and Sidekicks


Counter Top Mini Display Box
With 24 single Seatbelt Adjusters.
Each piece is wrapped in a sleeve
with instructions and bar code.
Click Here for Mini Display Footprint, 
Order # and mastercase shipper quantities.

Ideal Campaign Events to tie your buckle-up reminder product promotions in with


April: National Distracted Driving Awareness Month.
May: The annual NHTSA spring "click-it or ticket" mobilization campaign.
May: National Youth Traffic Safety Month.

September: Child Passenger Safety Week.
October: Drive Safely Work Week.
October: National Teen Driver Safety Week.

NBCF Brand Seatbelt Adjusters, Air Fresheners, Shelf Displays and Sidekicks



Ideal Campaigns to tie in with

Prime time to carry out special promotions for NBCF brand products is the annual fall National Breast Cancer awareness campaign from September to October 
Spring:  Many fundraising marches & walks for the cure


NOTE: We carried out a 17 month test in our local Canadian Tire Store. Our average sales grew by 300% when adding the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) brand of adjusters.

Find the 
full details here.